Absolutely! You can edit or delete your Note at any time and we do not demand exclusive access to your material.
Posting a Note on our platform means you agree with our site’s
Terms .
Posting your Notes is free! Smartnotes collects a 20% service fee from each transaction which covers the Stripe transaction fees.
Users who have sold a minimum of 10 notes on our platform are invited to apply for the Affiliate Program.
Members are entitled to perks, including a reduced service fee of 15%.
Please email
info@smartnotes.ai with ‘Affiliate Program Application’ in the subject and be sure to include your username for consideration.
Notes can be both a traditional paper style that has been scanned or Notes can be digitally created on a tablet;
either way works so long as the Note file is in a .pdf format.
Under copyright law it is prohibited to post Notes that contain material directly created by professors (including exams) or from textbooks.
We only allow the posting and use of Notes that have been created by students based on their understanding of a class or knowledge of a topic and is thus the student’s intellectual property.
Since the times of Aristotle studying in ancient Greece, students have been writing and sharing Notes with their classmates.
Smartnotes is the platform that makes sharing in-depth knowledge possible on a global scale.
Payments for each Note sold take place immediately and Stripe is responsible for paying the seller.
All sales are final and not refundable.
Smartnotes collects a 20% fee of the amount you are paid.
Smartnotes does not issue 1099’s since we do not touch your payments.
Stripe issues 1099’s as required by the IRS to Sellers who have sold at least $20,000 worth of Notes to at least 200 different customers, otherwise you are on your own.
To increase the visibility of your Notes consider adding labels associated with the school, class and topic.
Do not add disingenuous labels as this may affect your buyer reviews.
Try adding color in your Notes as this will help appeal to more learning styles.
Feel free to
contact us
directly with questions and feedback!